Ok, I'm running out of time... army's so soon I can smell it!
But, I can take that open minded, as a positive experience.
And in my last days of freedom, I will still continue to draw, so here goes another!
This is Minahra, on of my chars. I did some... changes on her. Looks better this way I think.
The pic is quite self-explanitory, hope you like it.
honstly, don't fight with me about crazer, your comment was pretty stupid and I don't really want to fight with you-cus I liked that one thread you made
stay away from crazer BAD INFLUENCE MAN
I really don't like to fight with anyone, I just think he has made SOME improvements at least.
But there's no need to argue with this, since opinions tend to be different with each person...
And I never meant to make this personal.
I do have to admit, however, that you had a point there, perhaps he has been over-complimented a little... But that tends to happen pretty easily... Just as easily as someone getting stompped to the ground & being grounded to dust.
Let's just call it a day...