So, I finished this piece...
Pretty satisfied myself, concidering the time I had.
The muzzle flames still give me trouble, but I guess they are close enough :F
Anyways, hope you like it, might be a while until I can get to draw anything more, getting busy in the barracks, I'm no longer a Rookie :P
Damit, was 6 days without a single evening vacation! On the brighter side, I managed to draw something, but I will not show it here until it is finished, and I'm not sure if I skip Flahriia for now & finish this little refreshing side project first.
And even more better; I guess most of my camping time in the army is now long gone! And also, today, 9th March, I now have 299 days of army left! Woo! I have to get myself a cold one to celebrate, as soon as I get onto a REAL vacation, that is.